Ya, We are leaving Neihu. It seems the companies I ever stayed change the location often to me. Neihu is a good place. Don't know what will be in the new place, Sindian. So after Chinese New Year, I am going to the new office.
Since now on, I can't call my friends to have a drink or have a lunch at any time. Neihu, three years there, Bye!
好吧,這樣的情況下,防守開始放鬆,這樣的輸球是沒有藉口的! 對我來說,打球雖不是職業(我知道自己幾兩重),但還是要拿出態度來打! 我知道這是可以做到的事情!心裡認為可以做到的事情卻沒做到! 總之,我要記取教訓,吸取經驗,我有不好和還沒拿出來的地方,我不想再發生這樣的事情。 Game is game, a play is a play!