Here are something about my work recently. Write it down here for arrangement.
It's about 0xdroid project. I have done implementing Camera HAL for usb camera. For this, I need to have some concept about V4L2 in kernel. It's related to V4L2 Video In. Though camera is more complicated cause it can be greatly performance related when it comes to embedded device. For most product design, the camera sensor module is connected with the camera interface of the SOC. Thus in this manner, most cases there will be closed library provided by the SOC vendor for doing some effect control and performance related tasks.
When doing video recording with the camera, colorspace conversion for encoding and for preview on the screen to make the acceptable frame rate is really critical, especially when the resolution is high. Better situation will be more task can be handled by hardware. For taking picture, it would be better if the hardware can do scaling and jpeg encoding, etc. For previewing and video recording, it also would be cool if we don't need to do heavy colorspace conversion in host software side by hardware conversion(YUYV to YUV420(sp) or RGB) and Overlay support.
Overlay is cooperated with V4L2 video out part. Overlay verifying and could be used by Camera HAL or multimedia video playback is important.
More ahead. Though I need to let myself know what's the value and getting prepared.
Off topic here in this post, most importantly, Glad and excited that we have a third release, beagle-donut-0x3.
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